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Maize & Sorghum

Deficiency Symptoms

The symptoms of Zinc deficiency do not show in the early stages except for stunted growth. The first symptoms appear on the base of the third leaf as pale yellow stripping to a broad band of white or yellow tissue with reddish purple veins between the midrib. In severe cases of deficiency in Maize, unfolding young leaves may be white or yellow; hence the name "White bud in maize". The deficiency symptoms in sorghum are also very similar to Maize as can be observed from Plates 2 & 3.

Amelioration Method

Soil application by far is the most effective and suitable method of correcting Zinc deficiency. However, foliar applications could also be adopted as preventive measure or for correcting Zinc deficiency when it appears on crop plants.

Soil Application Rate

To correct Zinc deficiency apply Zinc Sulphate at 20 to 25 kg per hectare at the time of sowing of the crop. The dose can vary with the extent of deficiency in soil. Zinc Sulphate is applied in broadcast and incorporated in top soil with last ploughing.

Foliar Application Rate

0.5% zinc sulphate solution is sprayed on zinc deficient crop at least 2-3 times at an interval of 7-10 days. For spraying one hectare crop, dissolve 2.5 kg zinc sulphate and 10 kg urea (or 1.25 kg lime) in 500 litre of water.

Yield Response and Benefits

Increase in grain yield due to Zinc Sulphate application was found to be more then 2 quintals per hectare in trials conducted on farmer's fields in various states. A typical response to Zinc application in such crops is shown in Plate 4.