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Post Box No.905, Erode.
0424 2223637
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Deficiency Symptoms

Green Gram (Moong) & Black Gram (Urad)

In both the crops deficiency symptoms appear after 10 to 15 days of .sowing. The tips of the initial leaves (cotyledonary leaves) become dead brown. The chocolate brown colour is seen on older leaves which drop down at later stages. Newly emerging leaves are small in size (Plate 1 & 2).

Pigeon Pea (Arhar)

The deficiency symptoms appear within 3 weeks of sowing. The leaves suffer from interveinal chlorosis (loss of green colour). The yellowing starts from the ,tip of the leaves & moves downwards. Midrib remains green. As deficiency symptoms advance dark brown coloured spots appear on the lower leaves. In the case of severe deficiency plants are stunted in growth together with shedding of leaves; Young leaves are small in size (Plate 3).

Cow Pea (Lobia)

The deficiency symptoms, which appear within 10 days of sowing, are characterised by development of orange yellow colour in the interveinal areas of the leaves. Later on dull chlorotic spots are found mostly towards margin of the leaf blade specially the tip. These spots turn brown all over the leaf blade including margins. The affected leaves shed from the plant (Plate 4).

Chickpea (Bengal Gram - Chana)

The leaflets of older compound leaves become light yellow in colour. As deficiency advances, these leaves become reddish brown followed by bronzing and browning. The leaflet size is small & the plants are stunted in growth with fewer branches.

Lentil (Masoor)

The deficiency appears within 5 to 6 weeks of sowing. The deficient plants become light yellowish-white in colour starting from tips of the leaflets of most recent matured leaf. With increase in severity of deficiency the leaflets turn brown & fall. Plants have stunted growth & poor pod formation (Plate 5).

Amelioration Method

Zinc deficiency is corrected by application of Zinc Sulphate in soils at the time of sowing or by foliar sprays in standing crops. However, soil application has proved better than foliar spray.

Soil Application Rate

25 to 30 kg zinc sulphate per hectare is applied in broadcast & incorporated in top soil with last ploughing.

Foliar Application Rate

25 to 30 kg Zinc Sulphate solution (neutralised with 0.25% slaked lime) should be sprayed when the deficiency symptoms just start appearing on the leaves. In case the deficiency symptoms persists one more foliar spray should be given after 7 days. (For one hectare crop 2.5 kg zinc sulphate with 1.25 kg slaked lime in 500 litre water is required).

Yield Response & Benefits

The additional grain yield at optimum rate of zinc sulphate application to different pulse crops has been found to range as follows:

Crop Additional Yield Per Hectare
Green Gram (Moong) 50 to 180 kg
Black Gram (Urad) 110 to 1120 kg
Pigeon pea (Arhar) 80 to 380 kg
Chickpea (Chana) 230 to 560 kg
Lentil (Masoor) 210 to 240 kg